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Planning Services 

Providing Everything You Need To Respond To An Emergency 

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Emergency Action Planning

After completing a risk assessment, many companies place it on a shelf and don't bother to do anything with it after that. Despite this, when BRACE Planning is implemented, an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and a Continuity of Operation Plan (COOP) are developed, which describe emergency action procedures and the responsibilities of the COOP team members. This holds them responsible for completing their assigned duties throughout an emergency Action and disaster recovery, no matter what type of disaster may take place.

Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP)

Continuity of operations plans (COOPs) assist organizations in preparing for emergency or disaster situations and events. There are many aspects of operations that can be affected by emergencies and disasters, including services, the continued need for supply of retail or wholesale inventories, buildings, and utilities. The stability of consumers and the well-being and availability of staff can also be affected. The BRACE’s criteria include specific requirements for developing a COOP. In the event of an emergency or disaster, the essential functions and personnel that are required to maintain day-to-day operations remain essential. Emergency preparations must therefore be made in advance. Whenever a disaster or emergency occurs, the company must maintain operational stability for its consumers. Emergency and disaster preparation is made easier with the help of a COOP.

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