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BRACE: The premier active shooter-preparedness program 

Discover how BRACE can help your organization and community

There are scenarios in which Barricading is the preferable option. Misconceptions about traditional lockdowns that create readily identifiable targets and facilitate a shooter's objectives are dispelled by our training. Trainers with

BRACES teach practical techniques like how to barricade a room better, how to handle electronic devices, how to speak with police, and when to use lockdown time to prepare to use alternative strategies (such as Counter or Evacuate) that may be required if the active shooter gains entry.


In a life-or-death situation, seconds can mean the difference between surviving and dying. Rescue is designed to provide a basic understanding of how to treat individuals in a safe environment who are suffering from major trauma. As part of this course, you will also learn how to perform a triage process in order to treat patients based on the severity of their injuries, along with receiving important training on how to treat major traumas. 


Alert is designed to provide information in real time when it is safe to do so. The unpredictable nature of armed intruder situations means that ongoing, real-time information is crucial to making smart survival decisions. In order to communicate information clearly, directly, and plainly, we should always use clear, direct, and plain language. In the event that the shooter is in an isolated area of a building, those in other locations should evacuate safely. In addition, those in direct danger can barricade themselves and prepare to defend themselves.

Among the channels that employees, safety officers, and other personnel can use to inform others are video surveillance, 911 calls, and public address announcements. The emergency response plan should outline how to notify employees, customers, contract workers, or any other individual of a violent intruder's location.


As a training organization, BRACE does not believe that actively confronting an intruder is the best way to ensure the safety of those involved. Confrontation is a strategy to use as a last resort. To stop a shooter from aiming accurately, you should create noise, movement, distance, and distraction. By creating a dynamic environment, you minimize the likelihood that the shooter will hit a target and provide you with time to escape.


With BRACE, evacuations can be carried out more safely and strategically. By evacuating to a safe area, civilians can avoid contact with the shooter and be kept out of harm's way. Many techniques exist that civilians don't know about but can save your life. The BRACES training program teaches evacuation strategies for extreme duress, from higher floors, and through windows.









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