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My life's work has been dedicated to researching, developing, and training others on how to respond to situations involving active shooter events in the workplace. There has been a great deal of effort made by me to promote proactive strategies to maximize your chances of surviving an active shooter event. As a result of my work with BRACE Training, I have been instrumental in empowering thousands of individuals from government, educational institutions, private corporations, and faith-based organizations to be more effective in their response to active shooter events. One of the fundamental aspects of what makes our active shooter response tactics so effective is the passion we have for making a difference. We are passionate about leading the evolution in active shooter response tactics and continuing to make a difference in the world. Our team at BRACE is always looking for ways to improve our training so that you can get the most from it. In our active shooter training classes, which are open to everyone from teachers, healthcare professionals, and security personnel to regular citizens, you will learn skills that will enhance your chances of surviving in any situation.


BRACE thinks it is very critical to understand that the threat of an active shooter attack is very real. Our goals are to eradicate the "It can't happen to me" mentality and to change the way people everywhere respond to armed intruders. It is our belief at BRACE Training that individuals should not only be prepared for active shooter events but also empowered to make their own decisions that can save their lives in the event of an active shooter incident. It is critical for an individual, once he or she has been empowered to make his or her own life-saving decisions, to be trained in proactive active shooter response options rather than passive, mandated, one-size-fits-all options. It is vital that all Americans have the knowledge and skills so that they will be able to survive in an emergency situation. The only way to do this is to train as many people as possible. We also need to implement training in drill form across all organizations so that we will be able to achieve this. Man-made disasters are on the rise, and it is time for us to start preparing for them.




BRACE Training Program is a program that has been developed specifically with the goal of preparing individuals to deal with the possibility of being exposed to an active shooter at any given time. In the wake of many active shooting incidents in the past few decades, John Grauer, a Certified Protection Specialist by profession, decided to develop the BRACE program. In order to meet the needs of those involved in an active shooter incident, he reviewed a number of the training programs available on the market. This helped him to get a better understanding of the programs available. In spite of the fact that John has been providing training to many individuals in active shooter response for many years, he asked a question he had never asked before. How will civilians respond in the interim, before the arrival of the police, when they receive an alert of an active shooter? This question led to research that showed that a majority of active shooter incidents end before police arrive and that active shooter response tactics suggested by the so-called “Experts”, found that, in the end, when the bullets started flying, the staff had no choice but to "figure it out" themselves. According to the research, the traditional lockdown method also leads to a high number of deaths as a result. It was because he disagreed with the traditional lockdown policies still used today that he spent a great deal of time reviewing the research. This helped him to identify solutions to the problem and is the reason why BRACE was created.

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